IELTS Reading Tips To Obtain Your 7+ Bands Score

IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is a standardized test that measures English language proficiency. It is widely recognized as a reliable and valid assessment of language ability and is used by universities, employers, and governments around the world. The IELTS test has been around for over 30 years and is now one of the most widely used English language tests in the world. Over 3 million people take the test each year, and it is accepted by over 10,000 organizations.
Therefore, there is a huge competition, and you need to study well to get seven or more bands/score in the exam.
Before taking the IELTS test, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the format of the test and the types of questions you’ll be asked. With proper planning and preparation, you can confidently take the IELTS test and achieve the score you need.
IELTS reading is an important section of the IELTS exam and sometimes, getting good score in this particular module can be challenging. Therefore, firstly, one needs to understand the tactics to manage the time while focusing on accuracy-which is more important.
Secondly, it’s important to practise IELTS reading passages regularly. This will help you to get used to the types of texts and questions you’ll encounter in the test. It’s also a good idea to time yourself so that you can get used to reading at a fast pace.
Thirdly, when you’re taking the test, make sure you read the questions carefully before you start reading the passage. This will help you to focus on the information that you need to find out.
Finally, don’t forget to use your skim and scan skills. These are essential for finding information quickly in the IELTS reading test. By following these IELTS reading tips, you’ll be all well on your way to achieve the score you need. Good luck!
The IELTS Reading test consists of 40 questions, designed to test your reading skills including reading for gist, main ideas, detail, skim and scan, understanding logical argument and recognising writers’ opinion, attitudes and purpose.
It is critical to manage your time in the test because you only have 60 minutes to answer 40 questions. It is always recommended to spend no more than 20 minutes on each section of the Reading Test. However, if you find the first passage easy, you may complete it in less time, giving you more time to answer questions in the following two passages. As you progress through the test, the passages become more difficult, so leave enough time to complete the final passage.
IELTS Reading Test consists of three sections (Total 40 questions are divided in three sections – usually each first two sections has 13 questions and third section contains 14 questions). Attempting each section is important, because if you fail to manage the timing to complete all the sections, you won’t be able to reach at seven bands’ mark.
This contains three long text-passages with four types of reading topics:
Factual Text – Explanation about real fact and information – It is easy to deal with, but needs general level of English Grammar skill and vocabulary.
Descriptive and Narrative – Detailed account of a specific topic or narrative about a complete story – this kind of reading task needs at least moderate to advance level of understanding
Analytical Text – This type of reading is a more rigorous and complex level of reading. You have to analyse the text thoroughly in order to understand its deeper meanings – so, your full attention is must.
Discursive Text – In this passage, the writer strolls or walks from topic to topic or this type of writing is written in an inconsequential way. This type of discursive writing often tends to stray from the main point and the words may have the opposite meaning. – This Passage can be challenging; so, it needs detailed focus and in-depth reading skills.
Factual Text – This is usually first section and very easy to find answers from given information – name, number, year, and date, etc. It consists of two or more short texts, which usually contain information about an advertisement for a restaurant, swimming classes, magazine’s information, and cinema Hall or sports Centre facilities etc.
Descriptive Text – This is second section, it consists of two texts of more complex language than first section. These texts are based on books’ reviews, company’s review, media and newspaper, companies’ policies etc. – You need careful reading to find correct answers.
Long Descriptive Text – Third Section is usually harder than previous two sections. It includes a long text and is usually the most complex of all three sections. This text revolves around topics related to general subjects and interests on school or college system, work-place ethics, training and physical exercise. Passages are taken from documents, magazines, fictional or non-fictional books – So you need to be focused to find the correct answers
13-Different type of questions in IELTS Reading Task and important tips to find answers:
- Matching Headings: You will have about one to eight options to find which option matches with which heading. Here you need to thoroughly read the heading first and think about the main idea or subject matter on which heading is based – This way you can find the right fit from the options.
- TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN: You have to answer either as true, false or not given to the given question. In this case, read the question first and understand it completely. Here the simplest way to find the answer is first mark the subject, verb and object given in the question and start finding them in the given passage. Note – they mostly give synonyms of the words in passage, so you need to have good vocabulary.
- Matching information in Paragraphs: You have to match the information given in the question with one of the paragraphs. In this case, answers are not usually in order, so you need to scan, identify, and find the specific information from different paragraphs.
- Summary or sentence completion questions: Here you have to complete a summary by filling in gaps using words from the given passage or given in a box or chart. In this case, your strength of grammar can help you. First, try to understand and complete the given sentence or question by assuming the required missing word. Once you find the complete sense of the sentence, you can easily find that particular word. Note – here focus on Noun/Verb/Adjective/Adverb etc.
- Multiple Choice Questions or MCQ: Here they give you 3 to 4 options in the form of A,B,C, and D and you have to find one correct option as per the question from the given passage. Locate the precise information in the passage and ensure yourself to find the best option because you may end up in finding two choices, so you have to choose the closet one, which exactly completes the answer of the question. Note-these type of questions come in order.
- List Selection: Choose the correct option from the list of words, names or information. All questions relate to the same list, answers are usually in letters A,B,C,D or in numbers 1,2,3,4,.. etc., and all answers come in order. Note – In this case, complete understanding of the question is the key to find the correct answer from the passage easily.
- Choosing a Title: You have to choose a most appropriate title from a list of options. It is very easy to find correct answer of this question. First, thoroughly read and understand the paragraph, summarize it in your mind and come to a point for the main purpose or aim of the paragraph. Note – You can usually find the correct answer in first three or last three lines of the paragraph.
- Classification Questions: These types of questions are based on different categories and answers are easy to find out. Note – find out paraphrases and particular categories of the information asked in the question.
- Matching Sentence Endings: You will be given the first half of a sentence based on the text and asked to complete it from a list of possible options. There will be more options to choose from than a number of questions. The questions are in the same order as the information in the passage. Note – carefully read and understand the sentences and find out possible ending sentences, then choose the best ending sentence that exactly matches the given information in the passage – correct grammar is the key of success here.
- Table Completion: Complete the table by using the correct word from the passage. Answers to these types of questions are often easy to find out. Note – read the column and row headings, identify the type of word needed, and check out for a number of words required – answers are often mentioned in a specific part of the passage.
- Flow Chart Completion: To complete a flow chart using the correct word from the passage. The mostly easy part to solve, you only need to scan and understand the information carefully. Note – use the direction of arrows and boxes to follow the order of information in the chart and check the number of words needed to complete the chart. Here most answers are not in order.
- Diagram Completion: Labelling and completing a diagram – is also an easy part to deal with. Here answers do not come in order but the information is usually mentioned in a specific paragraph. Note: Find out the type of word you need for answer i.e. Noun, Verb, or Adjective.
- Short Answer Questions: Answering the questions about the details given in the passage. Answers usually come in order and are easy to find out. Note: – Understand the details and locate the specific information in the passage, scan and focus, you need good vocabulary here, also check how many words need to answer.
Tips to manage reading section time
- Skim and scan the passage as and when needed
- Pay attention to the introduction and conclusion
- Identify key words
- Read and understand all the questions
- Answer every question
- Check your answers
Let’s brush up quick tips to help you improve your IELTS reading score:
- Read a variety of texts: This will help you get used to different text types and improve your speed and accuracy.
- Practice skimming and scanning: These two important techniques will help you save time and improve your understanding of the text.
- Understand the question types: There are different question types in the IELTS reading section. Make sure you understand what each question type is asking you to do.
- Predict the questions: This is a very important tip. When you are reading the text, try to predict the questions that might be asked. This will help you save time and focus on the important parts of the text.
- Take practice tests: Don’t forget to practice. The more you practice, the better you’ll become at understanding IELTS reading texts and answering questions accurately. So, make sure to find some practice materials and start honing your skills today.
By following these tips, you’ll be on your way to achieve the IELTS reading score you need to get a 7+ bands score. So, get started today and see the results for yourself.
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